Sensor Advice Form

LoRaWAN, 4G, NB-IoT, BLE, Wi-Fi, Modbus, PLC, BACnet, Energy Meters, Water Meters, Predictive Maintenance, GPS Trackers, People Counters, Air Quality, Leak Detectors, AI Cameras, I/O controllers, and many more.

We have over 1,000 different sensor types form 300+ different manufactures.

Fill out the form below to request sensor advice from the myDevices team.

  • Use Case

  • Please provide as much details as possible
  • If yes what are you happy and unhappy about the current solution?
  • For example, if you have floor plans, documents or powerpoint that help explain the use case.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 128 MB.
    • Timeline

    • Is this a time sensitive or ongoing long term project? When do you need samples and when do you plan for ultimate deployment?
    • Contact

    • Please provide names, email, phone number of all stakeholders that should be receiving status updates about this request.
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    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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