Milesight EM310-UDL Ultrasonic Distance Sensor


LoRaWAN Ultrasonic Distance Sensor Also includes motion detection 3-Axis Accelerometer Dual Ultrasonic Sensor 2×3500 mAh ER 17505Li-SOCl batteries IP67 Waterproof


Use Case Applications:

Smart Bin Waste Management: ideal for monitoring fill-levels of any type of waste remotely and precisely in various containers like waste bin, then triggers alarms to cleaners when the dustbins are nearly full, contributing to the reduction of cost, energy and carbon emission. Smart Parking: Plays a crucial role in indoor parking management. It is able to capture real-time parking occupancy information. Other: Water tank monitoring and manhole cover monitoring

Additional information

Brand Milesight
Model EM310-UDL
Data Sheet Download Datasheet
IP Rating IP67